Golden light institute is an accredited 501c nonprofit teaching organization. It
is affiliated with the teachings of Gary Springfield and disseminates information, produces
audios and videos, web based content, seminars and provides private counseling to those
interested in creating more peace, prosperity, health, love and joy for themselves and all of life.
It is nondenominational and yet synthesizes all sacred spiritual traditions and science into a
unified field of wisdom, love and truth. Along with this sharing, the focus is to bring together
one hundred realized spiritual beings into one gathering and create a nuclear wave form of
love and light that ignites the fabric of consciousness, now so muddied by human ignorance,
into an enlightened Golden wave of peace on Earth.
Your tax deductible donations are welcomed.
Mail a check to:
Golden Light Institute
7530 Fern Court
Carmel, CA. 93923
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Make your payment to:
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